Busman's Honeymoon on stage in Cambridge, bookings open!

The play of ‘Busman’s Honeymoon is being staged in Cambridge at ADC Theatre this April by the dramatic society BAWDS

The box office is now open!

The Man Born To Be King reading

As part of our Winter/Spring Zoom series, we had a reading on Friday 22 March, of Play 11 from The Man Born To Be King by Dorothy L Sayers, ‘King of Sorrows’ as part of our Easter/Spring Events. It was very moving. One of our members has written about the reading in our forthcoming Bulletin. If you would like to read a copy of our Bulletin, please contact the Society.

Why do you read the work of Dorothy L Sayers? A call for information.

Please see below for a request from Stephen Wade, asking readers of Sayers about why they read her work and her influence. Stephen would like to hear from you.

“Dorothy's Impact

In my biographical work (almost complete) I wish to include in my final chapter a collection of short pieces from readers, fans, fellow writers etc. on why they read and enjoy Dorothy's work, or possibly what they think her influence has been (in any of her many spheres of talent and industry). Short contributions will be very welcome, sent to me at stephen.wade@ntlworld.com and of course contributions will be credited in the text.”

Last minute Christmas gift? What about a membership of our Society?

If you are casting about for a last minute Christmas gift, why not give a detective fiction reader a gift membership of The Dorothy L Sayers Society? No delivery to worry about. You can do it online.

Memberships run from 1 January.

Benefits include:

  • A bi-monthly Bulletin, packed with news about Sayers and her works, as well as Society events;

  • Participation at our Winter Zoom Events, wherever you are in the world;

  • Participation at our in-person events, held in the UK;

  • Access to the Members-only area of the website, including our serial publications such as Sidelights on Sayers.

    You need not have read all of Sayers’ works or any of them in order to join. We welcome everyone.

Ruth Rendell Short Story Competition

InterAct Stroke Support has opened entries for the 9th Ruth Rendell Short Story Competition. Further details can be found here.

The closing date is 21st December 2023

Length of story must not exceed 1,000 words.

Most importantly “Stories must be suitable to be read in the sensitive environment of a hospital setting.

Entry fee is £15 per story. Winning stories from previous years can be found on the website.

Annual Convention, 2023

We had an enjoyable and stimulating weekend at University College London 11th August to 14th August, with excellent talks by Professor BJ Rahn, author Kate Jackson, Dr Seth Thevoz, Chair Seona Ford, Dr Jane Hockings, Neil Godber, Archivist Alison Hall and a group discussion with members on ‘It Pays to Advertise’.

On Sunday, some of us attended a service at St Anne’s, Soho, where DLS was a Church Warden, after which we had a choice of Wimsey Walks in Bloomsbury, the West End and the Embankment, celebrating the London novels of Sayers: Whose Body?, The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, Murder Must Advertise, Strong Poison and Unnatural Death.

Although the last title takes place mostly elsewhere there are events in London. We also added a little bit of the first chapter of Gaudy Night. Please see our Bulletin in September for full accounts of our activities. Not a member? You can request a copy copy of the members’ Bulletin here.