Society Events
to 16 Jan

Society Events

Throughout the year, the Society holds a number of in-person and online events. We start with our Winter Zooms: online events that run between December and April/May where we hold book group discussions, play readings, sharing items by DLS, online talks and so on.

Each August we hold our Annual Convention for members and their guests, usually in places associated with DLS or works by her, such as York, Oxford, Cambridge, Dumfries and Galloway and Chichester.

We also hold the Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture each June in association with the Essex Book Festival. Speakers in the past have been Vaseem Khan, Elly Griffiths, Ann Cleeves, Martin Edwards, Libby Purves, PD James and many more.

Our Annual General Meeting is held at St Anne’s Soho, usually at the beginning of November.

Other events include a Spring Lunch, visits to various events, exhibitions and theatre performances. For a full list of our annual events, please ask for a copy of our Bulletin.

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The Man Born to Be King: A play for Eastertide - online
7:00 pm19:00

The Man Born to Be King: A play for Eastertide - online

Members and their guests are invited to attend our final Zoom event for the 2024-2025 season, the play ‘The King Comes Into His Own’ from The Man Born To Be King by DLS. This will be a play to celebrate Eastertide. Members who wish to read a part for this play, please see the Bulletin for contact details.

Please note: The event will be held at 7.00 pm British Summer Time

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7:30 pm19:30

Annual DLS Lecture by Jane Casey, author, Witham Library, Essex

As part of the Essex Book Festival, the Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture will be given by Jane Casey, author of the Maeve Kerrigan series of crime novels and winner of the Irish Crime Novel of the Year, 2024 for her novel, A Stranger in the Family. This event is open to all. Keep an eye on the Essex Book Festival website for tickets and further details. Members of the Dorothy L Sayers Society can contact the Society in the usual way regarding tickets.

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'All the Fives' Online group discussion and readings
7:00 pm19:00

'All the Fives' Online group discussion and readings

Members and their guests are invited to attend our online reading and discussion group, ‘All the Fives’ where we read and discuss various items of DLS’ output that were written or published in a year ending in five, such as 1915, 1925,1935,1945, or 1955. These snippets can include letters, poems, essays, journalism, short stories, novels or other writings. If you would like to contribute to the readings, please see the Bulletin in the Members Area for further details.

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Winter Zoom Event: Book group discussion
7:00 pm19:00

Winter Zoom Event: Book group discussion

This online event for members and their guests is a book group discussion of two short stories from the Collection In the Teeth of the Evidence

We enter the world of the butler in the story ‘Absolutely Elsewhere’, featuring Lord Peter. Then we move on to the domain of the cook, where Mr Mummery gets increasingly paranoid in ‘Suspicion’.

Members wishing to join the event can do so by contacting the Society here

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Society AGM
2:00 pm14:00

Society AGM

The Society’s AGM, followed by a talk and refreshments, will be held at St Anne’s, Church, Soho at 2.00 pm. Dorothy L Sayers was a church warden at St Anne’s and her ashes are interred in the church tower. Society members visited the tower and St Anne’s during its Annual Convention in London in 2023.

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Annual Convention, Homerton College, University of Cambridge
to 12 Aug

Annual Convention, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

The Annual Dorothy L Sayers Convention, for members and their guests, is being held at Homerton, College, University of Cambridge in August, 2024. We have an excellent group of speakers lined up from among our members and others from outside the Society. Topics will cover Sayers’ characters, her translation of Dante’s Inferno, music, forensic ID, ethics, Sayers’ father, Henry Sayers, treasures from the Society archive, interwar crime fiction and botany.

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Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture - Vaseem Khan - Essex Book Festival
7:30 pm19:30

Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture - Vaseem Khan - Essex Book Festival

The Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture will be delivered this year by Vaseem Khan, the Chair of the Crime Writers’ Association and bestselling author of the Malabar House series of crime novels. The lecture is open to everyone and can be booked via the Essex Book Festival. Keep an eye on the EBF website for ticket sales.

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Performance of Busman's Honeymoon
2:30 pm14:30

Performance of Busman's Honeymoon

There will be a performance of the play ‘Busman’s Honeymoon’ in Cambridge. Members and their guests are invited to join a Society outing to see this play performed. There will be a Spring Lunch beforehand. Please see Bulletin for further details.

Pictured are Chair, Seona Ford and Gillian Thumpston, Publications Officer (both front, centre) with the cast of ‘Busman’s Honeymoon’. Photo courtesy of BAWDS

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DLS Book Club via Zoom
7:00 pm19:00

DLS Book Club via Zoom

Members and guests are invited to join in this book club. We will be discussing two short stories by Sayers from In the Teeth of the Evidence: ‘Leopard Lady’ and ‘The Professor’s Manuscript’. The discussion will be led by our Events Co-ordinator, Chris Seymour.

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Fenland Cathedrals Zoom talk
7:00 pm19:00

Fenland Cathedrals Zoom talk

From the angel roof of Upwell St Peter, from ‘Explore West Norfolk.

There will be a Zoom talk by Rev’d Alan Jesson on ‘Fenland Cathedrals’ on 19 January. Sayers’ Nine Tailors centre on a Fenland church. Alan’s experience as a member of the clergy and resident in East Anglia makes him well-placed to talk on this subject.

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Society Events
to 3 Jan

Society Events

Elly Griffiths at the Essex book Festival with Society Chair, Seona Ford

The Society holds a number of events for members and their guests. In Winter, we have our series of Winter Zoom meetings, with talks, book clubs, play readings and other events that bring members from across the globe. We also have in-person events in the UK, including our Annual Convention, The Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture, our AGM and other Sayers-related meetings such as plays, lunches, visits to sites related to Sayers’ works and occasional one day events and study days. Please keep an eye on this page for further details. You can also find information on past events here.

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7:00 pm19:00

DLS Online Reading Group

Members and their guests are invited to join this online event where discussion will centre on one of DLS’ short stories. DLS write a number of short stories, some featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, some with Montagu Egg and others without either of these detectives. Please watch the Bulletin for information on the chosen short story.

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7:00 pm19:00

"All the Threes" Online readings of DLS' writing

This online event will be a series of readings by members and their guests taken from the works of DLS in the years 1913, 1923, 1933, 1943 and 1953. Drawing on her novels, plays, letters, poetry and essays, members will celebrate and discuss the breadth of DLS’ contribution as a British writer. Please contact the Society for a link closer to the event.

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7:00 pm19:00

Online talk by Dr Jason Whittle on Murder Must Advertise

Dr Jason Whittle will be giving an online talk about the novel Murder Must Advertise. Members and their guests are invited to attend by contacting the Society to receive the link. Murder Must Advertise , set mostly in London involves Lord Peter Wimsey going undercover to work in an advertising agency to investigate a death. Dorothy L Sayers worked at Benson’s advertising agency for a time, leaving her work there to concentrate on writing full-time.

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Society Events
to 31 Dec

Society Events

The Society holds annual events for members and their guests. Members also attend one-off events, such as our visit to Lord’s Cricket Ground. We also have group outings to events such as the Golden Age of Crime weekend at Southend as part of the Essex Book Festival, Bodies from the Library conference, held at the British Library and visits to performances of dramatic works by DLS that are staged in the UK and other countries. Further details here

Below is a list of upcoming events.

Photo Lesley Simpson.

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7:00 pm19:00

Play reading: The Man Born to Be King on Zoom

On Friday, 16 December, there will be a reading of Dorothy L Sayers’ play, The Man Born to Be King: Kings in Judea, commencing at 7.00 pm GMT. Members and their guests are invited to attend the Zoom event. If you would like to participate in the reading, please contact the Society and let us know ASAP.

If you would like to attend the play reading, please see the members’ area for further details.

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to 30 Nov

Events for 2023

Please watch this space for our list of events for 2023. Over the winter we will be holding some online talks and events for members and their guests, a Spring Lunch, the Dorothy L Sayers Annual Lecture at the Essex Book Festival in June, our Annual Convention in August and other excursions. Our membership runs from January to December, so do think about joining us.

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