Second-hand Books for Sale
DLSS Books for sale
Proceeds go to fund Awards. All prices are excluding postage for which you will be notified according to weight and where you want them to be sent. Where there is demand for one book by several people it will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Write to with your order and you will receive notification of the total cost and how to pay.
Brunsdale, Mitzi: Dorothy L Sayers: Solving the Mystery of Wickedness. Berg, 1990, 1st Ed, HB no DJ, Excellent condition, £5.00
Coombes, D: A Careless Rage for Life, Lion, 1st Ed, HB,1992, Excellent condition, DJ £7.50
Hitchman, J: Such a Strange Lady, NEL, Hb 1st Ed 1975, Excellent condition, DJ £5.00
Hone, RE: Dorothy L Sayers, a Literary Biography, Kent State University Press, Hb 1st Ed 1979, Excellent condition as new, DJ, £20.00
Works about Sayers’ work
Hannay, Margaret P, Ed: As her Whimsey Took Her: Critical Essays on the Works of Dorothy L Sayers, Kent State University Press, Hb 1st Ed, 1979, Excellent condition, DJ, £20.00
Simmons, Laura K: Creed without Chaos, Exploring Theology in the Writings of Dorothy L Sayers, Baker Academic, USA, 2005, pb, gc slightly faded spine. Unsigned £7.50
Stone Dale, Alzina: Dorothy L Sayers: The Centenary of Celebration, Walker and Company, 1993, Hb, 1st Ed. DJ. Excellent condition, £10.00
The following are a series of pamphlets of talks given by DLS:
DLS: The Other Six Deadly Sins, An Address given to the public Morality Council at Caxton Hall Westminster on October 23rd 1941: published by Methuen, 3rd edition 1943, gc though with rebound spine. Paper covers. Slightly grubby. £4.00
DLS: The Mysterious English: Macmillan War Pamphlet 1941, perfect condition, 31pp. paper covers, 1st edition, “A speech delivered in London”. £5.00
Other essays including miscellaneous work by Sayers
DLS: The Greatest Drama Ever Staged: St Hugh’s Press,1950 tiny presentation copy. 50p. small amount of damage.
DLS: Even the Parrot: Exemplary Conversations for Enlightened Children. Illustrated by Sillince, Methuen, 1944 1st Ed. Hb, excellent condition with DJ. £20
DLS’ Plays:
The Man Born to be King, Gollancz, 1st cheap edition, 15th impression, 1950, HB, slightly torn DJ. £7.50
The Devil to Pay: Gollancz, 1939, HB, no DJ, slightly scruffy, some pencil marks. £3.50
The Devil to Pay: Gollancz, 1939, 2nd impression, pb, gc battered cover. £2.50
He That Should Come, Gollancz, 1939, pb, v nice copy. £5.00
He That Should Come: Gollancz, 1942, 3rd impression, pb battered cover, gc. £2.50
The Just Vengeance: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pb as new, £10.00
The Emperor Constantine: Gollancz, 1952, HB, no DJ, some ex Libris marks. £3.00
The Emperor Constantine: Gollancz, 1951,1st Ed, HB no DJ, some ex libris marks, loose (but attached) spine. £3.50
Miscellaneous volumes including by other writers
Pickering, K, Drama in the Cathedral: The Canterbury Festival Plays 1928-1948 (Includes The Zeal of Thy House and The Devil to Pay by DLS), Churchman Publishing, 1985, HB, DJ, vgc. £20.
Reynolds B, The Passionate Intellect: Dorothy L Sayers’ Encounter with Dante. Wipf and Stock, 1989, pb, vgc. £20.00
Moulton, M: Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L Sayers and her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women, Hachette, 2019, HB with DJ, vgc. £10.00
Moulton, M: Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L Sayers and her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women, Hachette, 2019, Pb, gc (some loose pages at start) £5.00
The Documents in the Case, Green Penguin, 1937, 3rd impression, pb, used condition. £1.50
The Nine Tailors, NEL, 1977, pb, vgc. £3.50
Five Red Herrings NEL, 1976, pb, gc. £2.50
Murder Must Advertise, NEL,1973 pb, gc £2.50
Strong Poison, NEL, 1979, pb, gc. £2.50
Detection Club collaborations
Scoop and Behind the Screen, Harper and Row, 1983, US Ed. HB, DJ, Excellent condition. £7.50
Other languages
Lord Peter Views the Body, Ronso Karigai Mystery 277, HB with DJ. £5.00
The Lord Peter Wimsey Companion: Ed Steve Clarke. The Dorothy L Sayers Society, 2002, 2nd Edition. Excellent condition with dust jacket. £250
VII: An Anglo-American Literary Review, Marion E Wade Center. Volumes available at £5 each:
Vols 10, 16,18, 23.