Amanda Craig gave the Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture on 28th June, at the Essex Book Festival. The text of the lecture will be featured in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday, 20th September.
The Norah Lambourne Design Award 2023
We are delighted to announce that the winner of The Norah Lambourne Design Award is Nell Amos, a Scenic Carpentry Apprentice. Thanks to the Royal Opera House for hosting the event and supporting the award.
Summer update
The Annual Dorothy L Sayers Lecture was given by the writer Amanda Craig at Witham Library on 28th June as part of the Essex Book Festival. It was an enjoyable evening and Amanda’s enjoyment of the works of Dorothy L Sayers was evident. A full report of this excellent talk will be in the forthcoming July members’ Bulletin. Remember, if you would like to see a copy of our Bulletin, please contact the Society.
We are very much looking forward to our annual Convention, held this year at University College, London, for members and their guests. We have a number of interesting speakers lined up, covering the London novels of DLS, her time in Bloomsbury, advertising, private members’ clubs, Golden Age crime, Dr Crippen, medicine and DLS plus guided walks around Bloomsbury, the Embankment and the West End. On Sunday morning, members will be attending a service at St Anne’s, Soho, where DLS was a church warden. More details to follow.
Winter & Spring at the Society
We’ve been busy at the Society over winter and spring. We held Zoom events every month from December, 2022 and two in March, 2023. It was lovely having members and guests attending these events from Seattle to Lithuania and Tasmania. Full reports of the events appear in our Bulletin. If you are not a member but would like to read a copy of the Bulletin, please contact us.
We also had some in person outings. In March we held our Spring Lunch and had a visit to the Royal College of Music to see students in the Junior Department performing and rehearsing as well as presenting our Music Award to Sophia de Reyes Mezbur.
Also in March - it was busy, with two Zoom events and two in-person events - some of us attended the Donne Memorial Service and luncheon at Lincoln’s Inn. Our May Bulletin will carry full reports.
We are looking forward to gathering again in June at the Essex Book Festival to hear author Amanda Craig deliver the Dorothy L Sayers Annual Lecture. This is open to everyone. Book now!
In August we will be holding our Annual Convention in London. Please see the events page for a listing of our future events.
If you would like to know more about the Society and what we do, please contact us.
Marion E Wade Center Events 2023
The Marion E Wade Center, which houses a large archive of papers related to Dorothy L Sayers and C S Lewis among others, has some events planned for early 2023, including a book signing and talk on an annotated edition of Sayers’ The Man Born To Be King.
More information on these events can be found here
Events for 2023
The Society wishes you a very Happy New Year. Head over to our Events page to see what we have in store for 2023. Our membership runs from January to December. You can join for as little as £20, less if you are under 25. have a look at the range of events both online and in-person and sign up today.
Why not give a Gift Membership as a Christmas present?
Do you know someone who would enjoy being part of the Dorothy L Sayers Society, who would enjoy our activities, online and in person? Why not give a Gift Membership? Membership runs from January to December. Members receive a bi-monthly Bulletin with news about Sayers and her work from across the world; we have an Annual Convention, a journal, annual proceedings from our conventions, online activities and live events and visits.
For more information contact the Society today!
Important Announcement: AGM to be held online on 5 November, 2.00 pm
It has been decided to cancel the live AGM meeting that was to have been held at St Anne’s Soho. The event will now be held online only, commencing at the usual time of 2.00 pm. Members can find details of how to join the event via the members’ pages.
After the AGM there will be a talk by Frances Myatt, director of the DLS play Love All that was staged in Cambridge earlier this year. For further information, please contact the Society.